Manual And Automation :
1)CHETU Noida Uttarpradesh
2)Accenture Pune
3)Mindtree (LTI) Banglore
API Testing :
1. what are the different methods present in api?
There are many types of methods used in while api testing, we are mostly aware about the CURD operations that are create, update, retrieve, delete as POST, PUT, GET, DELETE
2. What are main differences between API and Web Service?
The only difference is that a Web service facilitates interaction between two machines over a network. An API acts as an interface between two different applications so that they can communicate with each other..Web service also uses SOAP, REST, and XML- RPC as a means of communication.
3. What are the advantages of API Testing?
Test for Core Functionality
Time Effective- we can hit lots of apis within less time
Language-Independent- like json,XML, html, text
Easy Integration with GUI
4. What is the test environment of API?- global, local
Generally we have four test enviornment i.e. DEV, QA, UAT, PROD, we are using QA/UAT enviornment in which we are using Global and Local enviornmrnt for api methods
5. What must be checked when performing API testing?
Error codes, data which are coming (Retrieval data), Time
6. What are tools could be used for API testing?
Postman, Swagger this are the tools used for api testing
7. What are differences between API Testing and UI Testing?
Api dosent provide the GUI but UI provides.
8.What are major challenges faced in API testing?
Initial Setup of API Testing. Manual testing helps confirm whether something works Updating the Schema of API Testing. ...
Testing Parameter
Combinations. ...
Sequencing the API Calls.
Validating Parameters. ...
Note: you can use this kind of
challenges but you have to add your own challenges,
9. What are common API errors that often founded?
This are the common error getting during api testing
400-Bad request
403- forbidden
404- page not found
500- Internal server error
503-service not available
10. what are the collections?
In collection we can store the patricular api methods and by using collection we can run all the
methods at the same time.
11. what is mean bearer token?
Bearer token is one of the Authentication pass in headers
12. where we pass the data in post?
We pass the data in Body(Raw) in the form of json, XML. Html, text
13. can we run collection?
Yes, we can run the collection and collection methods at the same time
14. what is mean end points/service url?
End points are the different service urls which are used to hit the URL
with domain uri
15. what is mean API ?-
Api stands for Application programming interface- used to communicate between two system
16. what is the headers?
Headers is nothing but the what kind of request it is
application json/
application xml/
application text }
17.what is bearer?
Bearer is the indentifier for perticular token used for the Authentication
18.Difeerence between SOAP and REST
1. soap is protocol is architecture
2. uses XML format only 2. uses
3. soap need WSDL file 3. rest need API only
4. type of security provided by soap:
4. type of security provided by rest
5. Heavy in weight API's 5. Light in weight
6 .Response time is more 6. Response time is
7. Best for CRUD operation
7. Not best
19. Types of API
REST API- uses Postman tool
SOAP API- Uses SOAPUI tool(simple object access protocol)
20.Concept under REST:
REST- REST is an architecture used to create rest api
REST Assured- To automate rest api we need rest assured libraries