Selenium Automation Tool
Read carefully and prepare the following Question and Ans for interviews
Q 1) What is Selenium
Ans : Selenium is a suite of open source tool that automate web browsers across different platforms it is widely used for functional and regression testing of web applications
Q 2) what are the different components of selenium
Ans : The different components of selenium are Selenium IDE, Selenium RC,Selenium Webdriver, and Selenium Grid
Q 3) what is selenium Webdriver
Ans : Selenium Webdriver is a web automation tool that allows you to automate interactons with a web browser
Q 4)what are the advantages of using Selenium Webdriver
Ans :
The advantage of using selenium Webdriver are :
-it supports multiple programming languages like java , rubby ,python ,etc
-it can automate inetractions with various web browser like chrome,saffari,firefox
-it supports parllel test excution using selenium grid
-it allows you to automate web application that use ajax,javascript,and other dynamic technologies
Q 5) How do you handle dynamic elements usnig selenium Webdriver
Ans : To handle dynamic elements using selenium Webdriver you can use various techniques like waits,explicit waits, implicit waits, and fluent waits.
Q 6) What are the waits in selenium Webdriver
Ans : Waits in selenium webdriver are used to pause the test execution for a certain amount of time until a particular conditions is met
Q 7)what is X-path in selenium Webdriver
Ans : Xpath in selenium Webdriver is a language used for a finding elements on a the next step in the test Script
Q 8) What is difference between absolute and relative Xpath
Ans : The main difference between absolute and relative x path is that absolute xpath starts from the root node where as relative x path starts from the current node
Q 9) what is CSS selector in selenium Webdriver
Ans : A CSS selector in selenium Webdriver is a pattern used to select elements on a web page based on their attributes
Q 10) How do you handle Pop-Up window in selenium webdriver
Ans : To handle pop up window in selenium Webdriver you can use the switchto() method to switch the focus of the Webdriver to the new window
Q 11) What are the Test NG Annotations Explain?
Ans :Annotations are order in which executed during test execution
There Are total 9 types of Annotations
1) @Beforesuite : This annotation is executed before all tests in a test suite
2) @ BeforeTest:This annotation is executed before all the tests in a test tag
3) @Beforeclass: This annotations is executed before the first test method in a test class
4) @BeforeMethod : This annotation is executed before each test method in a class
5) @ Test : This annotation marks a method as a test method
6) @AfterMethod : This annotation is executed after each test method in a class
7) @AfterClass : This annotation is executed after the last test method in a test class
8) @AfterTest : This annotation is executed after all test in a test tag
9) @AfterSuite :This annotation is executed after all tests in a test suite